Who We Serve

We Serve Individuals and Families

The principle that guides our work is acknowledging that all families have strengths.  Center staff work with families to identify and to build on their own strengths in order to build their own capacity. Through a strength-based approach of working with families, staff serve as a partner in helping family’s access programs and services based on their needs and strengths. This approach in turn, empowers families to take action to improve the well-being of their children and families.

Programs offered through the Center focus on building on five protective factors. The following five protective factors are the foundation of the Strengthening Families Approach.

  1. Parental Resilience 
  2. Social Connections
  3. Concrete Supports in Time of Need
  4. Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development.
  5. Social Development of Young Children

More information on the 5 Protective Factors can be found here https://www.preventchildabusenc.org/resource-hub/protective-factors/  The strength based foundation of serving families is supported through membership in the Colorado Family Resource Center Association (FRCA). For more information on FRCA  or to connect with a Family Resource Center across the state go to cofamilycenters.org.

Make Morgan County Count! (2020 Census Video) 

CO4kids.org media release https://co4kids.org/community/morgan-county-family-center-community-gem?mc_cid=035188865d&mc_eid=754d3b3a18

If you would like further information please contact general@morganfamilycenter.org