2-1-1 Referral Number & Morgan County Partner Agencies
The number 2-1-1 is nationally designated as an information and resource referral number. Call this number to be connected to the call center near you. If you are looking for resource in Morgan County you can access those resources through the following website or through downloading the 2-1-1 app on your iphone (not available on other devices at this time)
Some local community partner information is available below:
- Morgan County Department of Human Services 970.542.3530
- Northeast CO Health Department 970.867.4918
- SHARE (Domestic Violence Agency) 970.867.4444
- S.A.R.A. (Sexual Assault Agency) 970.867.2121
- Food Pantries
- Rising Up 970.370.8880
- Brush United Methodist Church: Community Cupboard 970.842.2522
- Kids At Their Best 970.380.7721
- Food Bank of the Rockies
- United Way of Morgan County 970.867.2218
- Eastern Colorado Workforce Center 970.867.9401
- Ultimate Car Seat Guide
- Colorado ID Project Provided by Metro Caring Please call 211 for additional information.
(pick up location at the Morgan County Family Center) - Morgan County Partnership for Children and Families https://www.morgancountypartnership.org/ 970.467.4957
If you would like further information please contact general@morganfamilycenter.org